+1646 233-1265

Iluminação de leitura / demonstração: Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Teatro: Inventário de Segredos, Fortaleza, Brasil

Sincero, Companhia de Teatro Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil

I just designed the lights for a new play written for young audiences in the North-East of Brasil. Coming up, I have one week of load-in, technical set-up and technical rehearsals PLUS two performances before returning to Rio de Janeiro! I'm working with my friend and director, Bruce Gomlevsky and a cast of young actors and actresses. We […Ainda não pode ser disponibilizado no site LDB

Projeto Rio

Jardim Botanico Rua Jardim Botanico, 1008, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Simpolux – Lume Arquitetura: Iluminação Centrada no Humano por David Bosboom

Arena do Conhecimento Simpolux Expo Center Norte, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

Human Centric Lighting ... Illumination for a Healthier Life. Human centric lighting (HCL) is a lighting system that can benefit the biological, emotional, health and well being of people. This is achieved by controlling a luminaire to mimic the color and intensity levels of light throughout the day. Until recently this idea could not be […Ainda não pode ser disponibilizado no site LDB


Maio 2024
